Break the chains of society with SDP! Join us to discuss topics off the societal norm. Subjects that are sometimes a little uncomfortable but are deep and interesting. Societal constructs are put in place to make us feel like we have to be a certain way and live our lives a certain way. Trauma, racism, suicide, mental health/illness, life stories and real shit. Get real and listen to Societal Deconstruction Podcast.

Societal Deconstruction Podcast is a podcast that thinks differently. SDP wants to help our listeners think differently. Eventually the whole world will think differently. Eradicate the hate and shame and stigma against people who are "different" and want to live life outside the "norm" of society. People like me and you that have thought past the status quo and the norm. 

Live your precious life the most sovereign way you can. Don't do what you "think" you are "supposed" to do. If it doesn't feel right, then it isn't. Always listen to your first instinct, that first punch in the gut. That is your intuition, and you can trust it.

Travel, see the world, educate yourself about people, different cultures, different food, different places etc.... embrace the differences in humanity.

We are all creatures of Planet Earth, we are all born alone, we all die alone. We are all born naked without the constructs of society. The constructs of society are indoctrinated in us very early on. Once you open your eyes and understand, you will live your life in a completely new way. Freeing your mind and discarding the chains of society is so liberating.

Life is precious, life is beautiful, life is short. Live it for yourself! 

Don't conform to society's norm.

Do what you want, how you want, when you want to do it. 

The best stories are life stories!


Recent Episodes

Feb. 19, 2024

Male + Female = Human?

Sit tight and get ready for Boat and special guest Scott Forkner to break down societal norms and constructs such as holidays, gender, identity, childhood, employment and more. The only meaning social constructs have is the …
Dec. 11, 2023

Living To Die - Destigmatizing Death in the Modern World

Living To Die - Destigmatizing Death in the Modern World - Episode 16 of Societal Deconstruction Podcast - SDP finds Boat and guests Bryce and Hunter, weighing in on death. Should we talk about it more to make it more comfor…
Oct. 20, 2023

October Trauma Dump

On Episode 15 Boat and her guest Shaggy discuss coming out of the depths of childhood trauma and how the process changes you. Does Shaggy come out of it for the better? Tune in to Episode 15, October Trauma Dump to find out.
Aug. 26, 2023

Deconstructing The D. A. R. U. Project

Just published! Episode 14 of Societal Deconstruction Podcast SDP, Your host, Boat welcomes special guest, Ross A. Schweitzer of The D. A. R. U. Project. Boat and Ross discuss the meaning of the D. A. R. U. Project, the diff…
Aug. 1, 2023

A Talk With God

On episode 13 of Societal Deconstruction Podcast, your host Boat and her guest God, a musician, break down topics like societal indoctrination, mental health/illness, education, religion and societal freedom among other subj…
June 29, 2023

The Juxtaposition of Man and A.I.

What will happen when A.I. takes over the workforce and we become a "workless" society? Will there be a creative renaissance, or will people just get lazier? Boat and Matt sound in on an interesting question.

Recent Blog Posts

A Moment In Time

Every day is a new day. Every hour is a new hour. Every moment is a new moment. Every second is a new second. Think about renewal. Renewing yourself, changing yourself, manifesting things that you desire. You have a new opportunity every moment.…


My name is Boat and yes, I used to have a boat. It was a 23-foot Chaparral with a Volvo Penta V-8 motor. It was the love of my life. I am also a mother, daughter, single woman, friend, advocate, struggling writer, new podcast creator, dog mom, cance…

Welcome to SDP

Welcome to Societal Deconstruction Podcast or if you want to simplify your life, SDP. I'm Boat, and my buddy and I started this podcast on a whim back in March. My friend John, soon to co-host an upcoming episode with me, and I, kept talking about d…

About the Host


Writer / Advocate / Podcaster

I (Boat) have come a long way in life. In my late 40's I am still learning life lessons, but I have mastered a few things I never thought I could. I have done a copious amount of traveling and had many life experiences. I am down for life experiences, not material things. I don't like to follow regular societal rules and I live life on my own terms. I hope that I can help others come to the conclusion that "Life is your own.... live it your way".

"Life can be cruel sometimes. It's how we accept it that determines our destiny. One thing I have learned in my life, with my situation, I always try to make the best out of everything, bad or good. At the end of the day, it's all about how you feel. Life is too precious to let slip by unnoticed. When you realize how important you are, you will always be HAPPY!" -- George Hito Vega -- Imprisoned for 33 years  

"I am not a product of my circumstances; I am a product of my decisions." -- Stephen Covey

"Let the punishment fit the crime." -- Cicero 

"Better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffers." -- Sir William Blackstone

"The mere presence of defense counsel lends our justice system the veneer of legitimacy, while the inability of defense counsel to do the job required of them makes it rotten at its core." -- John P. Gross